Kugoo Kirin M4 & M4 Pro 48V Controller replacement part (Old vesion)

Sale price€49,00
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Kugoo Kirin M4 & M4 Pro Controller replacement. 

There are 2 different controllers for M4 and M4 Pro. The latest model has a waterproof connector for the display. This controller is the other version for older models.

If you're unsure which one you need please feel free to contact us directly.

If your Kugoo Kirin M4 Pro or Kugoo M4 electric scooter has a damaged main controller you may need to replace this part on your e-scooter.

There a range of error codes applicable to the controller and there are a number of reasons why your control board may need replacement.

Before ordering this part please contact repairs@locoscooters.ie to determine if you need the old or new version of this controller.

If you have difficulty completing your electric scooter repair yourself please feel free to contact us and make an appointment to drop it and we will do the job for you in Bray.

We hold stock for replacement parts on a range of KUGOO scooters. Feel free to contact us if you have any question.